Adrian Tomas Apps

200 words. Parts 2 1.4
Adrian Tomas
Photos in the game are mixed into 36 fragments, your task is tofind out what word is hidden on each of the photos. The player hasthe ability to put several fragments in their place, which makes iteasier to play and complete levels. The game has a colorfulinterface, translated into seven languages: English, German,Russian, Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Coins accumulateduring the game and in a difficult moment you can use them, ifnecessary, you can always earn coins for free by viewing video ads.
440 words. O1 1.7
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!
265 words 1.3
Adrian Tomas
Each photo is hidden behind twenty-five tiles, you can remove any 8of them to see part of the picture and understand what is hidden onit. The game is available in seven languages: Russian, English,French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese.
580 words 1.13
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!
580 words 2 1.6
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 600 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!
23 level 1.6
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
101 words 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Your task is looking at the picture toguesswhat it is, but something to do that you must first open thepartof the image hidden behind the plates, after which part ofthephoto will appear on which you need and determine whatitdepicts.
300 words journey 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Your task is looking at the picture toguesswhat it is, but something to do that you must first open thepartof the image hidden behind the plates, after which part ofthephoto will appear on which you need and determine whatitdepicts.
100 levels around the bush 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Your task is looking at the picture toguesswhat it is, but something to do that you must first open thepartof the image hidden behind the plates, after which part ofthephoto will appear on which you need and determine whatitdepicts.
100 слов 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Ваша задача посмотрев на фото отгадать чтоэто,но что-бы это сделать сперва необходимо открыть частькартинкиспрятанную за плитами, после чего появится частьфотографии, покоторой вы и должны определить что на нейизображено.Your task is lookingatthe picture to guess what it is, but something to do that youmustfirst open the part of the image hidden behind the plates,afterwhich part of the photo will appear on which you need anddeterminewhat it depicts.
100 слов. Где логика? 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
На фото изображено все , что угодно,вверхунаписано, что именно, ваша задача состоит в том, чтобы понятьс чемассоциируется это слово, почти все то же самое, что и вобычныхиграх этого жанра, но если картинка изображает ШАПКУ, тоответ кней ГОЛОВА. Впервые вам придётся угадывать, не то, чтонафотографии.The photo shownanything,the top says that it is, your job is to understand whatisassociated that word, almost all the same as in ordinary gamesofthis genre, but if the picture shows the caps, then the answertoher head. For the first time you will have to guess, notsomethingin the photo.
100 уровней мир РУ 3.3.0k
Adrian Tomas
Ваша задача посмотрев на фото отгадать чтоэто,но что-бы это сделать сперва необходимо открыть частькартинкиспрятанную за плитами, после чего появится частьфотографии, покоторой вы и должны определить что на нейизображено.Your task is lookingatthe picture to guess what it is, but something to do that youmustfirst open the part of the image hidden behind the plates,afterwhich part of the photo will appear on which you need anddeterminewhat it depicts.
101 слово 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Ваша задача посмотрев на фото отгадать чтоэто,но что-бы это сделать сперва необходимо открыть частькартинкиспрятанную за плитами, после чего появится частьфотографии, покоторой вы и должны определить что на нейизображено.Your task is lookingatthe picture to guess what it is, but something to do that youmustfirst open the part of the image hidden behind the plates,afterwhich part of the photo will appear on which you need anddeterminewhat it depicts.
voyage 300 mots 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Votre tâche est à la recherche à l'imagededeviner ce qu'elle est, mais quelque chose à faire que vousdevezd'abord ouvrir la partie de l'image cachée derrière lesplaques,après quoi une partie de la photo apparaîtra sur lequelvous avezbesoin et déterminer ce qu'il représente.Your task is lookingatthe picture to guess what it is, but something to do that youmustfirst open the part of the image hidden behind the plates,afterwhich part of the photo will appear on which you need anddeterminewhat it represents.
400+ words 1.7
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
500 Wörter. Wiederholung 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Das Ziel des Spiels ist einfach, schauenSiesich die Fotos an, und sie zagadonnoe Wort finden. Oft kommtesvor, dass ein Bild viele verschiedene Antworten trägt undVerbändensowie der Autor nur eine Antwort zu wählen, wird nicht indiesemSpiel ist so, hier das Bild mehr als einmal wiederholtwerden, unddie Antworten auf jede von ihnen wird anders sein, nurein Spielweniger als 200 Fotos und mehr als fünfhundert Antwortenwährenddes Spiels, testen Sie sich und Ihr Verstand wird hat keineGnade,Erwachsenenspiel begonnen. Viel Glück.The object of the gameissimple, take a look at the photos, and they find zagadonnoeword.It often happens that a picture has many different answers andtochoose associations and started only one answer, is not inthisgame so here the image more than once will be repeated andtheanswers to each of them will be different , just a game lessthan200 photos and more than five hundred answers during the game,testyourself and your mind will have no mercy, adult game started.Goodluck.
300 слов путешествие 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Ваша задача посмотрев на фото отгадать чтоэто,но что-бы это сделать сперва необходимо открыть частькартинкиспрятанную за плитами, после чего появится частьфотографии, покоторой вы и должны определить что на нейизображено.Your task is lookingatthe picture to guess what it is, but something to do that youmustfirst open the part of the image hidden behind the plates,afterwhich part of the photo will appear on which you need anddeterminewhat it depicts.
500 слов. Повторение 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
Цель игры проста, посмотри на фотографиииотгадай по ним загадонное слово. Часто бывает так, чтооднакартинка несёт в себе очень много разных ответов и ассоциаций ,аавтор выбирать только один ответ , в этой игре такого небудет,здесь картинки будут повторяться не один раз и ответы накаждую изних будут разными, всего в игре меньше 200 фото и большепятистаответов во всей игре, испытайте себя и свою смекалку, пощадынебудет, взрослая игра началась. Удачи.The aim of the gameissimple, look at the photos, and find them zagadonnoe word. Itoftenhappens that a picture carries a lot of different answersandassociations, and the author to select only one answer will notbein this game is such, here the image will be repeated morethanonce, and the answers to each of them will be different, justagame less than 200 photos and more than five hundredresponsesthroughout the game, test yourself and your wits will beno mercy,adult game has begun. Good luck.
500 palabras. repetición 3.1.0k
Adrian Tomas
El objetivo del juego es simple, mirarlasfotos, y las hallan zagadonnoe palabra. A menudo sucede queunaimagen lleva un montón de respuestas diferentes y asociaciones,yel autor para seleccionar una sola respuesta no será en estejuegoes tal, aquí la imagen se repite más de una vez, y lasrespuestas acada uno de ellos será diferente, sólo un juego a menosde 200fotografías y más de medio millar de respuestas a través deljuego,probarse a sí mismo y su ingenio habrá piedad, juego deadultos hacomenzado. Buena suerte.The object of the gameissimple, look at the photos and find them zagadonnoe word. Itoftenhappens that an image takes a lot of different answersandassociations, and the author to select one answer will not beinthis game is such, here the image is repeated more than once,andthe answers to each of them will be different, just a gamelessthan 200 and more than five hundred photographs responsesthroughthe game, test yourself and your wits will be no mercy,adult gamehas begun. Good luck.
450 images 1.0.1
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint,thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obviousandsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day onthesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures-More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Helpsystem- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish,German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This gamecan beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the companyoffriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and havefun!
600 words 1.8
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 550 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help, ask forhelp in passing levels from friends in the social.networks. - Earncoins by watching video ads. - Minimalistic and nice design - Helpsystem - Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish,German, Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This gamecan be played alone, but we recommend that you do it in the companyof friends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!
400+ words 2 1.4
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using the photo for the clue, the words aredivided into fragments, the riddles are of different complexity,from easy words, which take seconds to solve complex words, whichwill take a lot of time to resolve.    • 23 levels,more than 400 puzzles.    • New beautiful, colorfuldesign with the convenience of playing, both day and night.   • Interesting puzzles for every taste.   • The game is available in seven languages:English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese.  For all fans of verbal puzzles, to play in the companyof friends, family, co-workers or a single player.
460 pics 1.4
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using the photo for the clue, the words aredivided into fragments, the riddles are of different complexity,from easy words, which take seconds to solve complex words, whichwill take a lot of time to resolve.     Interestingpuzzles for every taste.     The game is availablein seven languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian,German and Portuguese.   For all fans of verbal puzzles,to play in the company of friends, family, co-workers or a singleplayer. Play where and when you want and good luck to you!
20+ new words 1.8
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
800 words. Discovery 1.0.1
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint,thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obviousandsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day onthesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures-More than 700 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Helpsystem- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish,German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This gamecan beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the companyoffriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and havefun!
More than 400 words 1.4
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using the photo for clues, the words aredivided into fragments, puzzles are of different complexity, fromeasy words, the solution of which takes seconds and to complexwords, the solution of which will have to spend a lot of time. -Nice design! - Interesting puzzles for every taste.     - The game is available in sevenlanguages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German andPortuguese. For all fans of word puzzles, for playing with friends,family, colleagues or a single game. Play where and when you wantand good luck to you!
470 words. All just 1.8
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!
More than 1000 1.14
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using the photo for the clue, the words aredivided into fragments, the riddles are of different complexity,from easy words, which take seconds to solve complex words, whichwill take a lot of time to resolve.    • 55 levels,1100 tasks.    • Interesting puzzles for everytaste.    • The game is available in sevenlanguages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German andPortuguese.   For all fans of verbal puzzles, to play inthe company of friends, family, co-workers or a single player. Playwhere and when you want and good luck to you!
555 words 1.0.1
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint,thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obviousandsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day onthesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures-More than 500 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Helpsystem- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish,German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This gamecan beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the companyoffriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and havefun!
20 Levels. A family 1.7
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
20+ levels 1.9
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
Over 1,000. You're a genius? 1.6
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using a hint photo, the words are dividedinto fragments, puzzles are of varying complexity, from easy words,the solution of which takes seconds and to complex words, thesolution of which will have to spend a lot of time. * Minimalisticdesign. * 350 words and 10 levels and soon update to 1000+ wordsand 30 levels. * More than 300 new words, which were not inprevious games. * Interesting puzzles for every taste. * The gameis available in seven languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish,Italian, German and Portuguese. For all lovers of word puzzles, forplaying with friends, family, colleagues or a single game. Playwherever and whenever you want and good luck to you!
420 images 1.1
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint,thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obviousandsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day onthesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures-More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Helpsystem- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish,German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This gamecan beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the companyoffriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and havefun!
4 answers 1.0.4
Adrian Tomas
You are given as a hint photo, and you use it to guess thefourhidden words. Are you a lover of word games and puzzles? Youwilldefinitely like this game! - Old rule. - New task. - Lightweightapplication. - More than 140 puzzles - A nice design ischanged. -Play in seven languages: English, German, Russian,Portuguese,Spanish, Italian
420 words 1.6
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 550 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help, ask forhelp in passing levels from friends in the social.networks. - Earncoins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friends don't knowthe answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to pass threelevels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system -Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and have fun!
23 part 2 1.7
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
20 words. Hint 1.7
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons areobscured in additional sub-items, for example, in the memorysub-item)
30 levels. A task 1.7
Adrian Tomas
Want to have fun and use your time, then download this free gameand go. Develop the logic and mindfulness, simple rules, look atthe photo and guess the word associated with it, play where youwant and when you want, with your family, with friends, withcolleagues at work, in the subway, in the park no matter where, themain thing is for the benefit.   The game is available inEnglish, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
5 минут 1.3
Adrian Tomas
Гусь свинье не товарищ! Работа не волк в лес не убежит. Деловшляпе, как часто мы слышим эти фразы, а раз мы с ними такхорошознакомы, то без труда сможем узнать их даже при помощи толькодвухподсказок картинок, давайте проверим так ли это, к счастьюестьтакая возможность, так почему бы её не воспользоваться?Простыеправила. Приятное музыкальное сопровождение. 5 минутпроведенные спользой. Помогает мыслить нестандартно, да и вообщедумать, ведькак говорят, - Встречают по одежке , а провожают поУМУ. Удачи ииграйте с друзьями, Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше!
25 levels 1.4
Adrian Tomas
Want to have fun and use your time, then download this free gameand go. Develop the logic and mindfulness, simple rules, look atthe photo and guess the word associated with it, play where youwant and when you want, with your family, with friends, withcolleagues at work, in the subway, in the park no matter where, themain thing is for the benefit.   The game is available inEnglish, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
400 words. Complicated 1.8
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
460 words.Complicated 1.8
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
460 words. More 1.5
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
400 words 2 1.5
Adrian Tomas
Guess the hidden word using the photo for the clue, the words aredivided into fragments, the riddles are of different complexity,from easy words, which take seconds to solve complex words, whichwill take a lot of time to resolve.    • 23 levels,more than 400 puzzles.    • New beautiful, colorfuldesign with the convenience of playing, both day and night.   • Interesting puzzles for every taste.   • The game is available in seven languages:English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese.  For all fans of verbal puzzles, to play in the companyof friends, family, co-workers or a single player.
430 words 1.10
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!Attention read this before you rate the game! Due to therequirement of Google, we had to remove one hardware platform fromthe build, which means that about 5% of all users will not be ableto download this game, we apologize to you.
Answer to the picture 1.3
Adrian Tomas
Your task is to find the hidden word using a picture as a hint, thetask seems easy, but the solution is not always obvious andsometimes you can spend more than one hour or even a day on thesolution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautiful pictures -More than 400 puzzles - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) good luck and have fun!
1 picture 1.0.3
Adrian Tomas
One photo hides a few words, find them all. - Beautiful graphics.-Pleasant music. - Lots of puzzles. - Help system. - PlayinRussian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French andPortuguese.Have a nice holiday and merry Christmas!
English. Word Search 1.0
Adrian Tomas
Fond of all the recent sight of the verbal game from ourteam.Compose words from letters, connecting them with a linebetweenthem to go further, you need to guess a certain number ofwords atthe current level. Guess what the main word hides thelevel, tofacilitate the task, all levels are broken into topics, ifyouguess, you will receive rubies as a gift, which you can spendontips if necessary.    - Pleasant design andmusicalaccompaniment.    - Rubies as a gift forguessingthe main word at the level and the opportunity to get freerubiesfor watching the video.    - You can play withyourwhole family or with a team at work.    - Simpleandcomplex levels.    - The rules are verysimple.   - Refill the vocabulary and train thebrain.   - There will be more levels if you like;)If youlike verbal games or puzzles, you will be interested in ourgame.Play where and when you want, spend your time with benefit andgoodluck to you!
Guess 460 1.7
Adrian Tomas
*** Important to read for users who are already playing the oldversion, we do not recommend updating the game, as it was writtenagain and on another engine, it was decided to move to a newdesign, it was changed all the way up to the save system, so keepin mind when you update you will lose previously saved progress.***Spring has come, which means that it's time to give life to oldprojects, so meet the old game in a new design. The rules have notchanged your task is to find the answer using a photo as a hint,tasks of diffeYour task is to find the hidden word using a pictureas a hint, the task seems easy, but the solution is not alwaysobvious and sometimes you can spend more than one hour or even aday on the solution of the puzzle. - High-quality and beautifulpictures - More than 400 puzzles - Can't decide? Friends will help,ask for help in passing levels from friends in the social.networks.- Earn coins by watching video ads. - Stuck on a level? Friendsdon't know the answer? Go to the next level, it is possible to passthree levels at once! - Minimalistic and nice design - Help system- Ability to play in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German,Portuguese and Italian languages to choose from. This game can beplayed alone, but we recommend that you do it in the company offriends, colleagues or classmates, so fun) Good luck and havefun!rent levels of complexity, so you do not get bored and maybe inaddition to all this will discover something new. - Good design. -Pleasant music. - Help system. - Play in English, French, Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian. We wish you good luck inpassing and have a good time! Useful information for those who whenyou click PLAY do not appear levels! 1) Go to phone SETTINGS 2)Find the application item (important, in some devices it may becalled differently) 3) Find our game in the list and click on it 4)In the screen that appears, find the CLEAR CACHE and CLEAR DATAbuttons and click on them (in some devices, these buttons can be inadditional sub-items, for example in the memory sub-item)
90 images. Many words 1.0.1
Adrian Tomas
One photo hides a few words, find them all. - Beautiful graphics.-Lots of puzzles. - Help system. - Play in Russian,English,Spanish, Italian, German, French and Portuguese.